G-CASE Award Nomination Information
For more information about G-CASE, CASE, and GAEL Awards, contact G-CASE Immediate Past-President Tris Gilland at tgilland74@gmail.com
Lillie Moncus Special Education Director of the Year
This is the highest award given by G-CASE.
Recipients are expected to have had outstanding service as a special education director and to G-CASE.
Seven years’ experience as a special education director with a record of outstanding service as a director
Awarded at Fall Conference; Members are asked for nominations
Immediate Past-President/Committee
Friend of G-CASE Award
This award is given in recognition and gratitude for dedicated service, devotion, and support of G-CASE.
Agreed upon by the G-CASE Executive Board
Can be given at either the Fall or Spring Conference.
Does not have to be given every year.
Immediate Past-President/Committee
Exemplary/Distinguished Service to G-CASE Award
The recipient of this award will have had a positive history/ association with Georgia education, which may be directly tied to the learning process such as a practicing administrator or teacher, or indirectly, such as a legislator, professional organization employee, or member of the media.
The recipient is not necessarily an educator or a member of G-CASE. Has provided distinguished service overtime to G-CASE.
This award is not given every year.
Can be given at Fall or Spring Conference.
Immediate Past-President/Committee
Outstanding New Special Education Director Award
The recipient has 3 years or less experience as a special education director who has performed outstanding service as a special education director and has earned the respect of stakeholders.
Three years of less as a special education director; record of outstanding service
This award is given at the Spring Conference.
Immediate Past-President/Committee
Jim Puckett Outstanding Educator Award
The recipient has shown significant achievement in the field of educational leadership and has made important contributions to GAEL and one or more of the GAEL affiliates. The honor goes to individuals who personify the leadership qualities modeled by GAEL’s third Executive Director, Dr. Jim Puckett.
Must be a member of GAEL and G-CASE.
This award is given at the Summer GAEL Conference
Immediate Past-President/Committee
Dr. Jimmy Stokes GAEL Service Award
Each GAEL affiliate selects a recipient for this award, which honors a long time outstanding service by a GAEL member to G-CASE and to GAEL.
The recipient must a member of G-CASE and GAEL.
This award is given at the Winter GAEL Conference.
Immediate Past-President/Committee
Tony Molinaro Scholarship Award
Up to two awards ($1000 each) can be given each year to nominated special education administrators, with preference given to a new director.
The award is given to help defray some of the costs to attend the CEC International Convention.
The recipient must be a member of G-CASE.
Individuals may nominate themselves.
Application due by January 31
Awarded annually during the winter months preceding the spring CEC Convention
G-CASE CEC Representative
Theodore Smith Scholarship Award
Up to 2 of these awards of $1000 each will be given to special education teachers or paraprofessionals who are pursuing a special education teaching degree or a graduate degree in teaching special education.
Recipients may nominate themselves or be nominated by someone else. The nomination must be endorsed by a G-CASE member. Nominees must provide proof of enrollment in a program leading to a degree.
Application due by January 31
Awarded annually
G-CASE CEC Representative